إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق


4.6 ( 496 ratings )
الشبكات الاجتماعية مرجع

Rolo helps people share their contact information without the hassle and the stumbling around with a mobile phone. Rolo replaces the need for business cards, exchanging information amongst its users with the touch of a button. It uses GPS/NFC to locate possible contact exchanges (“HandShake”), and like pulling a business card out of your pocket Rolo makes it happen.

To start using Rolo:
- Go to the App store, or use your Facebook.
- Make a profile.
- Start sharing.
- If you intend to share your info with someone that does not have the app, you can invite then via text in the app.

Business cards have survived the digitalization of documents because of the feel and trust about making business with someone that you know. Until now, finally technology has enable the right mix of features for Rolo to happen.